On Dystopia and Propaganda as a Soft Weapon

by Dietrick ∞ Hardwick

Originally Posted on December 31, 2015 | Revised on June 26, 2023

Propaganda as a Soft Weapon

Propaganda has evolved into a sophisticated tool in modern warfare, often referred to as hybrid warfare. It’s the composition and orchestration of weaponized would-be art or pop images, married with buzzwords and catchphrases, often devoid of solutions, and deployed by rising powers and their thought leaders. Engineered to lull, intimidate, and assimilate the individual into a constant, closed system, propaganda exhibits the hallmarks of a dystopia in the making.

In today’s context, this form of disinformation—deliberate spreading of false or misleading information—aims to conform societal expectations to a passive, silently fearful, and oppressive ethos. In such a system, transparency, inquiry, and open dialogue are unwelcome. Instead, unwitting submission and blind subjugation are the norm, as contrary freedoms are slowly eroded and, ironically regulated away, often under the guise of our own tenets and doctrines meant to preserve freedom and democracy.

Also, there is an odd movement to protecting citizens from themselves, “for their own good”. This results in a new form of disguised and deeply enduring tyranny that supplants the vision of the Founding Fathers.

In a Dystopia, the corporate-militarized forces are not “by the people, for the people”. It has its own agenda, established at a microcosmic infrastructural level, seeking to extend its control to every region with strategic, natural, or financial resources to exploit. And, seeks new potential allies which share these same conquests.

As the saying goes, “The devil hides in churches,” and similarly, totalitarianism hides in patriotism. Societal stress, infighting, and division create a climate ripe for a dystopia to emerge. Recognizing the signs of such an impending scenario is crucial:

  • Art Subversion: Arts are co-opted for nationalist purposes.
  • Education Weakening: The educational system is undermined, reducing critical thinking.
  • Class Disparity: The lower class diminishes, and urban crime rises, necessitating military-scale authority.
  • Economic Dependency: Big interests drive the global economy into dependency, where prosperity lies with government and corporate enmeshed entities.

The rise of “alternative facts” and the prevalence of misinformation spread by media outlets that seem tabloid-esque and several major social media platforms. These sources often traffic in propaganda campaigns that poison the public mind, exploiting emotional appeal and confirmation bias to spread their messages effectively. With AI, Deep Fakes and new platforms, hybrid warfare efforts will benefit by increasing and accelerating the dissemination of disinformation content to an almost inconceivable level.

As history shows, slogans like Reagan’s “Make America Great” can resonate deeply, regardless of their true implications. Populism is very effective at reaching the common man.

In conclusion, my prediction remains that this post may not garner significant interest from the huddled masses that fall in line, as it disturbs the stupor and slumber of those unwilling to entertain alternate plausible realities, even in a tongue-in-cheek manner. It may even harden the polarization that we are already experiencing.

Thanks for Listening,

R. Dietrick Hardwick

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